
planet transporters

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Have certain planets take fleets between worlds

what about spawn location in the new world?

regular spawn locations. doesn't have to be near transporter

this is mostly a client-side effort
from the server, we'll add a "type" to messages. one of the types will be "join" with world coordinates (at the moment it's just a worldKey, but we should plan for a full server URL)

When the client sees one, it disconnects and reconnects.

Sound about right?

the solution should tee us up for auto-duels and lobby pledges

I think a better solution would be to have the server switch the arena the client is in, and the client knows to do a partial refresh

that assumes that the world we're switching to is on the same server

see game.js line 195

this should be triggered upon touching the planet in the Wormhole Test world

            case "join":
                console.log('received join: ' + announcement.text());

there remains a bit of unresolved state after respawning in the new world. seems to be in dead/spectate mode