
Install issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I am trying to setup your application and I'm having trouble to make it work.

My setup is the following :

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Apache2
  • PHP 7

PHP Settings =

  • open_basedir = /var/www/html/data/config
  • allow_url_fopen = On

I can reach the config page but setting tvheadend don't do anything. There is no json config file generated....

Tried also to install php-json but with no luck.

Do you have an idea ?


I think you may be the first person to try installing this code, so I hope you don't mind doing a little debugging. I'm using Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.2, but on Arch Linux. The json module is built-in to PHP in Arch.

  • Does your directory /var/www/html/data/config exist, and does the HTTP user have write permission to it?
  • Is there anything in the Apache error log after you press 'save'?

OK let's compare our systems...
My TVHadmin PHP files are in /srv/http/xxxx/tvh (This is Arch linux of course).
The first code line of include.php is $config_file = 'data/config';
My config file is therefore /srv/http/xxxx/tvh/data/config.

ls -al /srv/http/xxxx/tvh/data/
drwxrwxr-x 2 root http 4096 Jan  9 13:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 dave  http 4096 Jan  7 11:10 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 http http   82 Jan  9 13:52 config

My php.ini file contains the line
open_basedir = /srv/http/xxxx/

Reading the PHP manual I now realise that open_basedir must include the directory where the PHP files are located - the code makes a great deal of use of the include() function which is restricted by open_basedir. So in your case it should be /var/www/html; or comment the line out completely if you don't need it.
If you haven't altered the first line in include.php then your configuration file will be /var/www/html/data/config - there shouldn't be a directory 'config' under 'data'.

Updated installation instructions with PHP and Apache settings.