
Timeline, telly, Favourite Channels empty

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Timeline, telly, Favourite Channels all show up empty. I can see the channel names but nothing more.
What's On Now? works correct.

Strange. Does the EPG in the TVHeadend GUI work? What is your TVH setup and where are you getting the EPG from?

Yes it works fine there and i Kodi.
The source is epggrabber witch runs via crontab in linux.
I haver taken 2 screens u can look at.
I suspekt it might be with the Norwegian date format. Today is 09.03.2020 here but you would probably say its 03.09.2020 ... If that is the case the app tryes to get info for the wrong Date. (remove images)

I don't think the problem is with the date format, though TVHadmin perhaps ought to show dates/times in the correct format for the locale.
All of the time calculations are carried out on the web server which runs the PHP code. Are you sure that the clock is set correctly on that server? Are there any PHP error messages on the server (usually these appear in the web-server error log)?
On your images there are several lines for each channel name. Is there any reason for that?

Ill check when i get home.
The reason for there being duplicate channel names is becouse there are several sources for the same channel.

That's not how TVHeadend is intended to be used. Multiple sources should all be mapped onto the same channel name, TVH will choose which source to use depending on which are available and their priority. The 'Map Services' dialog has a 'Merge same name' box which can achieve this.

I think this may be the cause of your problem. On my test TVH system, which receives from Astra 28.2E, I tried manually creating a channel "BBC One HD" as a duplicate of the existing one (but mapped to a different service). The EPG for that channel disappeared from TVHadmin though the TVH GUI still worked. When I directly queried the TVH server through the API I got the same result, showing that TVHadmin is not at fault.

The API filters EPG by channel name, and doesn't seem to work correctly if there are duplicates. The "What's On Now" screen works because there is no filter by channel name.

Can you apply this patch to timeline.php? If the timeline screen starts working it will show that my theory about duplicate channel names is correct:

--- timeline.php        2019-12-29 09:38:38.059230545 +0000
+++ test/timeline.php   2020-03-11 08:12:07.703300336 +0000
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
-           $e = get_epg($c["name"], $tstart, $tend);
+           $e = get_epg($c["uuid"], $tstart, $tend);
            if (!isset($e)) continue;
            $wd = 98 - count($e)/8;
            echo "

Unfortunately the other screens rely on the channel name being unique and are more difficult to change.

No timeline is still blank.
But i may have done the edeting wrong...see screenshot:

Ah, I thought the channels list was displayed but no EPG; I see you don't have even the channel list.

Can you check that your settings are similar to those below. If you didn't have anything ticked against 'show in timeline' that would explain what you're seeing.

Still nothing:

Running out of ideas...

Can you try running these commands to check that you can access the TVH server. Ideally run them on the PHP/web server and use the same form of IP address as you entered into TVHadmin.

curl http://user:pass@ip.address:9981/api/channel/grid?limit=1
curl http://user:pass@ip.address:9981/api/epg/events/grid?limit=1


Same issue !
My configuration :

  • TVHeadEnd working well in a Docker Container, TVHeadEnd clients for Android & IOs working well

  • using NGinx Docker as web Server for TVHadmin : no EPG for Timeline, Channels, Favourite Channels but OK for What's On Now ?.

Answers from curl commands :

{"totalCount":2005,"entries":[{"eventId":50257,"channelName":"CSTAR","channelUuid":"72a3588429506b9aedb1f4d5120079f6","channelNumber":"17","channelIcon":"imagecache/22","start":1585458000,"stop":1585477800,"title":"Top clip","subtitle":"Clips.","description":"Dance, pop-rock, R'n'b, hip-hop, rap : «Top clip» offre une programmation éclectique.","widescreen":1,"hd":1,"genre":[96],"nextEventId":50281}]}

OK a few questions:

  • Are there any messages in the web server error log (don't know where this would be for your system)?
  • Do you see the channel names in Timeline and in the drop-down list in Channels?
  • Have you checked some of the boxes under "media tags to use for selection" in the Configuration screen?
  • Do you have several channels with the same name?
  • What happens if you enter a common word from a programme title (for your example "clip") into the search box then click on Search?

I think I might have found the problem. Could you update to the latest version and try again?

TVHadmin was not sending authentication with EPG queries. It worked if TVheadend allowed EPG access without auth (which mine does) but not otherwise.

(@flippz this should also fix your problem.)

It's solved now.
Many thanks @dave-p .

Works for me to now.