Error message at 2048
Closed this issue · 5 comments
hajimehoshi commented
package build constraints exclude all Go files in gopath/src/
websocket closed but archives not updated
That's odd since Ebiten should not require go-gl on browsers. I'd be happy if you could confirm this. Thank you!
dave commented
Aaah ok so today I removed the js
build tag from jsgo... It broke compatibility with go1.11... i think here:
you need to add:
// +build !gopherjs
// +build !jsgo
... I'll take another look to see if I was right to remove js
hajimehoshi commented
To represent GopherJS, // +bulid js
&& // +build !wasm
should work, right?
dave commented
Hang on - I'm going to have a good look through the code and work out where this is coming from... Bear with me...
dave commented
OK I think I fixed it... Give this a try...
hajimehoshi commented
Yes, this has been fixed. Thank you!