
clipea setup - Error: dependency "llm" not found. Run "clipea setup" to install

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Error when trying to run "clipea setup"

  1. Installed on macos Sonoma 14.2.1 with pipx.
    Console output:
pipx install clipea-cli
pipx version is 1.4.0
Default python interpreter is '/usr/local/opt/python@3.12/libexec/bin/python'
Determined package name: clipea-cli
Package name determined in 0.0s
running /usr/local/opt/python@3.12/libexec/bin/python -m venv --without-pip /Users/zak/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/clipea-cli
running <checking pip's availability>
running /Users/zak/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/clipea-cli/bin/python -c import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('purelib'))
running /Users/zak/Library/Application Support/pipx/shared/bin/python -c import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('purelib'))
running /Users/zak/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/clipea-cli/bin/python --version
cleaned package spec: clipea-cli
⣷ installing clipea-clirunning /Users/zak/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/clipea-cli/bin/python -m pip --no-input install clipea-cli
running <fetch_info_in_venv commands>
get_venv_metadata_for_package: 583ms
cleaned package spec: clipea-cli
running <checking pip's availability>
Time since last upgrade of shared libs, in seconds: 1014. Upgrade will be run by pipx if greater than 2592000.
running <checking pip's availability>
  installed package clipea-cli 0.1.0, installed using Python 3.12.1
  These apps are now globally available
    - clipea
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨
which clipea
clipea setup
Error: dependency "llm" not found. Run "clipea setup" to install

Same issue here. Any findings?

So I ran accross the same issue. It seems like a bug that got introduced in one of the later releases.

I was able to fix it by installing llm manually, and the manually setting the openai api key:

  • pipx install clipea-cli
  • pipx install llm
  • (ensure paths are set)
  • llm keys set openai