
Add Install instructions to the readme?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Would it be possible to update this with some installation instructions. It's possible that things don't install properly because of paths or similar. When I first built the solution, it complained about the path of "......" leading to the SQL DAC folder, but still not sure how to add to VS with what's given in the repo.

Hi Peter,

I have to agree it is a bit tricky getting everything right and the multitude of VSXX and SQL version folders that could be used make it worse in trying to provide a unified simple solution, i have drawn up some instructions on my blog http://dataidol.com/davebally/2015/03/23/getting-out-of-the-ground-with-tsql-smells/ which might help you.

It sounds like step 4 is what is giving you troubles here

HI Dave

I've managed to build and genefrate the DLLs for this (I'm using VisualStudio2013 and SSDT Build 12.0.60525.0)

I've moved the DLL files into the relevant paths I have both C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\120\ and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\130\ as I seem to have both.
Bit I don't seem to see the code analysis options anywhere. My Existing (and indeed new) DB projects just show the usual Microsoft.Rules threesome. This also happens for the TSQLSmellsTest DB project. I would expect to see smell errors like Smells.SML006 and Smells.SML043

I've setup a test SSDT proj with only a couple of dleiberately broken files in it and these aren't being picked up. The Micorsoft.Rules trigger but not the Smalls.

Any ideas if I've missed a step? Or any pointers for how I might figure out what I've done wrong?

I use it pretty succesfully on a similar rig that is setup on a VM but its not running here and I'm a bit stumped.

many thanks


Hi Steve...

If you are not seeing the rules selection then it is definitely not finding the DLLs for some reason.
Those paths look good to me from this distance.

There is some logging in SSDT you can turn on that may be helpful..

Look for Kevin Cunnane's comment on this page : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ssdt/2014/07/14/sql-server-data-tools-july-update/

That will show you the paths that it is looking to and DLLS loaded. Hopefully that'll provide some insight.

Let me know.


Just to add to this...

Ive rebuilt again and run into similar issues...
Ive changed my output path to
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\130\Extensions\

Run VS as admin ( to avoid any permissions issues) and rebuilt. Then on restarting VS the Code Analysis should work.