
Feliz.Bulma.DateTimePicker and other extensions

kierepka opened this issue · 5 comments


How to add properly Feliz.Bulma extensions?

Html.p [
        Html.text $"Data wpisu : {Db.KeyName}"
        Feliz.Bulma.DateTimePicker.dateTimePicker [
          dateTimePicker.onDateSelected (fun (d:DateTime option) -> () (* handle here *))
          dateTimePicker.defaultValue DateTime.Now

Gives error:
Sutil and ReactElement is not compatible

Kind regards

The main problem here is that the component being used there is a React component, and Sutil does not interoperate with React (at least, not yet).

Having said that, Sutil does have support for the main Bulma (CSS) framework, and I would like it to be able to make use of these extensions. Let me take a look and see what effort is required.

Thanks for logging the issue

Ok! I've seen support for other libraries from Feliz.Bulma.*, so I thought there were some ready-made functions for translating React components to "regular" Bulma;)

Ok - I did not check it thoroughly. There is Feliz.Bulma and Feliz.Engine.Bulma

@kierepka you might want to check back again, there's now support to render react elements within Sutil