
An open source telephony gateway for Dialogflow built using drachtio and freeswitch

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An open source telephony gateway for Google Dialogflow. All you need is a SIP trunk pointed to a server configured with the required software, and you're good to go.


  • Full dialogflow telephony integration
  • Call transfer via either SIP REFER or INVITE (requires support from your SIP trunking provider).
  • playback interruption / barge-in via configurable hotword or phrase
  • no activity detection
  • recording support
  • support for ambient typing sound while long-running fulfillment activity is happening


You'll need a server outfitted with the following software:

Of course, you will also need a dialogflow account, and a google cloud account.


The suggested linux distribution to run on is Debian 9. The easiest way to build yourself a server with all this is to use ansible, and create a playbook that runs the following roles:

Create yourself a playbook like the following:

- hosts: all
  become: yes
    drachtioBranch: v0.8.2
    - name: "build_with_grpc"
      prompt: "Include the grpc modules (mod_google_transcribe, mod_google_tts, mod_dialogflow)?"
      private: no
      default: false
    - name: "cloud_provider"
      prompt: "Cloud provider: aws, gcp, azure, digital_ocean"
      private: no
      default: none

    - ansible-role-fsmrf
    - ansible-role-nodejs
    - ansible-role-drachtio

Run it using ansible-playbook, answering 'True' to the question about install grpc support.


Dialogflow authentication

To authenticate with dialogflow, you will need to log into Google Cloud Platform and generate a service account json key file. Make sure you enable the APIs needed for dialogflow. Download the json file and place it on your server somewhere.

Then, edit your /etc/systemd/system/freeswitch.service systemd file, creating an environment variable named GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS that points to it; i.e. add a line like this:


After doing that, reload and restart the systemd service:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart freeswitch

Dialogflow configuration

In the dialogflow console, make you have done the following:

  • on the Speech tab, enable "Enable Automatic Text to Speech"
  • for Output Audio Encoding, select "16 bit linear PCM
  • on the General tab, enable "Enable beta features and APIs".

Application configuration

The application configuration file can be found in config/local.json. It consists of the following sections:

  "drachtio": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 9022,
    "secret": "cymru"

specifies the location of the drachtio server to connect to.

  "freeswitch": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 8021,
    "secret": "ClueCon"

specifies the location of the freeswitch server to connect to.

  "logging": {
    "level": "debug"

specifies log levels: info or debug

  "dialogflow": {
    "project": "<dialogflow-project-id-goes-here>",
    "lang": "en-US",
    "events": {
      "welcome": "welcome"
    "hotword": "OK Google"

project - the dialogflow agent to execute lang - language dialect to use, events.welcome - optional, if provided an event to send with the initial dialogflow streaming intent request hostword - hotword or phrase to use to "barge in" (i.e. interrupt audio).

  "callTransfer": {
    "method": "REFER",
    "domain": "foo.bar"

method - indicates method to use for call transfer: REFER or INVITE domain - optional, if provided specifies the domain name to put in the Refer-To and Referred-By headers

  "typing-sound": "/tmp/typing-sound.mp3"

Optionally, indicates the path to a .wav or .mp3 sound file to play while a fullfilment action is occurring. The audio will begin playing when an end of utterance has been detected, and will stop when the subsequent audio prompt from dialogflow arrives.

Note: an example typing sound file can be found in sounds/keyboard-typing.wav of this project.