
Allow user-defined pull request number

Closed this issue · 5 comments


We are using this Github Action to report the test coverage in our pipeline. However, the actions are not always triggered by pull_request, but push instead. As a result, in the context there is no pull request number:

let pullRequestNumber = github.context.payload.pull_request?.number;

Therefore a user-defined pull request number as an input would be helpful (suppose the prNumber is given by the user):

let pullRequestNumber = github.context.payload.pull_request?.number || prNumber;

There are other test coverage GitHub Actions which allow this, for example https://github.com/ArtiomTr/jest-coverage-report-action/tree/main.

I could also submit a pull request if needed.

Hey @xli12,

thank you for opening up the issue!

Definitely something I would like to support, and I would welcome a PR for this very much! 👍

Hi @davelosert ,

Thank you for your quick reply! A pull request #369 has been submitted. Please let me know if you have further questions.

@xli12: I just merged the PR and this feature got released in version 2.4.0.
Feel free to chime in here and let me know if it works as expected, then we can close the issue.

Thank you again for contributing! ❤

@davelosert Thank you for all the assistance with this feature. Just tested using the latest version v2.4.0 in our repository, it works really well 👍

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@xli12 : Thank you so much for the feedback - glad to see it works and already provides value to you! ❤

I will close this issue then!