
Disable blinking cursor

Closed this issue · 3 comments


First of all, let me say I'm glad to see vim bindings coming to brackets :)

I find very distracting (and actually annoying) the blinking cursor. Could there be an option to have it steady?

Hey, I'm glad you like extension :)

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is an issue with vimderbar or if it's an issue with Brackets itself. I'll definitely add the option to disable the blinking cursor, but I might do it as a separate extension so non-vim users can disable it as well. I'll keep you posted within the next few days.


The cursor blinks in Brackets by default without Vimderbar installed, and it's a programmatic blink implemented by CodeMirror.

I have verified that setting cm.setOption("cursorBlinkRate", 0); disables the cursor blink entirely, but Brackets should expose this as an option rather than Vimderbar.

Insert key helped me get rid of it in brackets.