Proposal: offer an "invert selection" function when working in the gallery
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi all,
I have to delete many of my pictures from the browser currently after exporting them to a zip file.
But I still wanted to keep some of then as foundation for the next experiments.
Currently I have to go to each gallery page, choose "edit", choose "select all", click on the pictures I want to keep, then hit "delete".
Additionally the selection of pictures to keep is even more difficult, as they are already greyed out because they are selected.
Would it be possible to have a per-page function of "invert selection"?
This would mean, I choose the images I want to keep, click on "invert selection" and then hit "delete".
This will make the "delete most but keep a few" workflow so much more convenient ;)
My current "keep-to-delete ratio" is something like "5-to-95" ;)
Thanks for reading and kind regards!
I consider this "done" as you already offer the option to show "favorited" and "unfavorited" as a filter. for me, this is suffiently helpful 😄 I can easily use "favorite" instead of select for my daily doing 👍