
Feature: Specify config file

Opened this issue · 4 comments


It would be great to be able to specify the db_config file in the command line so that the same install can be used for multiple projects.

I don't think this is done already but I think it would be a good feature.

Thanks for your work.

That's a good idea. I'm thinking of changing the config so that it can use as many "environments" as you want and you specify the environment when running the command.

Cool, I got something working to suit what I needed. I'll tidy it up and submit a pull requests so you can see if is what you would do or you can ignore it.

I would be very interested in this functionality as well (or an explanation of how to work around not having it). I assume I could create multiple config/db_config.php files (one for prod, one for dev, etc.), and then when I pull a copy, manually copy or link one of them to db_config.php.

Oh I just realised I said I would submit code for this!

I will get to this.