
_dir.yml copied but not processed

arkhaiel opened this issue · 9 comments

Describe the bug

Files _dir.yml in the content (sub)folders or fetched through the content external sources option are indeed copied in the dist folder, but their informations are not processed.

I tried with 2 properties :

title: 'test content assets'
  collapsed: true

If i disable the 'nuxt-content-assets' module in nuxt.content.ts, the file is processed, but if I enable it again the file is not processed anymore. By processed, I mean the title is not modified and the folder in DocsAsideTree is not collapsed.
My setup is very minimalist and I only use Docus and nuxt-content-assets :

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  extends: '@nuxt-themes/docus',
  modules: [
    'nuxt-content-assets', // make sure to add before content!
  css: ['@/assets/main.css'],
  content: {
    // sources: {
    //   gh: {
    //     driver: 'github',
    //     repo: 'mathieunicolas/alloe',
    //     dir: '/',
    //     prefix: '/'
    //   }
    // },
    navigation: {
      fields: ['auteur']

I checked in the dist folder and _dir.yml is actually copied, but it looks like it's not processed.

To Reproduce

Create a _dir.yml file in a Docus project with nuxt-content-assets

Software versions:

Node v18.15.0

docus-starter@0.1.0 /Users/mathieu/WebstormProjects/alloe-site
├── nuxt-content-assets@0.9.0-alpha
└── nuxt@3.3.3

As a quick test, can you try changing the extension to yaml?

If that fixes it, then the change is a one-character fix!

Yep, good news, it works with the *.yaml extension !

OK, just a configuration tweak and that'll be done.

Thanks for testing 🙏

You're the best !

I try!

OK, version 0.9.0-beta is on NPM now:


Can you try that?

Amazing, it works !


Thanks a lot for your time =)