
Add fish functions/variables to config.fish

daveyarwood opened this issue · 1 comments

I've added a bunch of functions and universal environment variables to my fish setup. Now that my dotfiles are version-controlled, it would be better if most of these were defined in config.fish, so that they are available out-of-the-box if I ever use these dotfiles to set up another machine.

It might make sense to keep some of them universal, if they are just temporary/machine-specific things that don't necessarily need to be available on another machine.

While I'm at it, should probably encrypt the sensitive ones per Micha's guide on the tyr wiki, and have config.fish decrypt them and load them into the environment. That way, if I'm setting up a new machine, all I have to do is copy over the encrypted files and set up the dotfiles from this repo, and config.fish will decrypt and load the sensitive environment variables.

TODO: Make an adzerk.fish and put all the Adzerk-specific stuff (sensitive environment variables, functions to start useful services, etc.) in it. Encrypt and delete it (maybe make a general-purpose fish function to handle doing this automatically each time I want to update adzerk.fish.asc). Have config.fish decrypt and source adzerk.fish.asc on startup. would make more sense to do this manually whenever I need Adzerk stuff