
import script to create sqlite database form static gtfs files

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Data import testing of Transport for Ireland GTFS CSV files into SQlite

Table of Contents


Project Description

This is a script testbed for importing GTFS CSV files from Transport for Ireland into a SQLite database.


Performance was compared for push based stream event parsing with popular CSV parsing libraries PapaParse and csv-parse for Node.js as well as pull based processing with pipeline, and for await (...) using PapaParse.



Parsing with csv-parse link-to-file followed excellent stream documentation example method here. Lines are formatted during each event and pushed to an array for batch database insertion. Passing the parser cast option a separate castValues function proved more than twice as slow as performing type converion as part of the formatLine call.


PapaParse also supports file streams and documents setup options but does not provide complete code examples for their use. Current verion 5.4.0 of PapaParse also proved broken for stream inputs when using the header option needed to return parsed lines as an object. Rolling back to version 5.3.0 proved successful.

PapaParse link-to-file performed around 50% faster compared to csv-parse when processing 13M records. (65 seconds vs. 117 seconds when skipping database insertion).

Pipeline and for await

Pipeline with a for await loop greatly simplifies code complexity when working with streams by not requiring direct management of event listeners. I had high hopes, but pipeline for await (const record of stream) {...} proved not up to the task. PapaParse w/ pipeline link-to-file took 467 seconds compared to just 65 when compared to the event based code above. And this still doesn't include database inserts! This article by Dan Vanderkam here goes into the problem in more detail. Discussion is still active, such as this issue Performance of for await of (async iteration).

Logging suprises

Visible feedback is important for long running tasks such as this project. Don't, however, take the naive approach of updating progress on every event record. Logging itself has a significant impact on performance.

PapaParse takes 54 seconds to parse 13M records when only logging the completion of each csv file. Adding a real time progress count when a SQL batch size limit is reached increases parse time to 65 seconds. Logging every event took 2446 seconds...40.76 minutes of wasted time.


Partial dataset 330k records

Inserted in batches of 9_000 records

Parser Notes Average runtime
PapaParse events 4.70
PapaParse pipeline & for await(...) 7.24
csv-parse events 5.56
csv-parse w/cast values function 13.74
csv-parse node-gtfs 5.10

Complete dataset GTFS_ALL.ZIP 13M records

Parser Notes Average Runtime in Minutes
PapaParse w/ SQL PRAGMA 300 5.05
PapaParse w/ SQL PRAGMA & transactions 287 4.78
node-gtfs Batch limit: 800 1087 18.11
node-gtfs Batch limit: 8_000 510 8.65
node-gtfs Batch limit: 20_000 397 6.61
node-gtfs Batch limit: 30_000 406.5 6.78

Complete dataset 13M records, skip database insert

Parser Notes Runtime seconds
PapaParse 65
csv-parse 118
PapaParse pipeline & for await(...) 467 😢
PapaParse log all 13M events 2446 😵 40.76 minutes
node-gtfs Batch limit: 800 213
node-gtfs Batch limit: 8_000 171
node-gtfs Batch limit: 20_000 162

330k record dataset

Parser Notes Runtime seconds
PapaParse w/ PRAGMA & global transaction 4.64
PapaParse w/ PRAGMA transaction BATCH 4.79
PapaParse w/ global transaction 4.718
PapaParse no pragma or transactions 4.72



npm install


  • npm run build
  • npm run import

Useful resources

  • node-gtfs - Import and Export GTFS transit data into SQLite. Query or change routes, stops, times, fares and more.