
Simplify Animation Curves Tool

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Users wish to simplify an animation curve that may be noisy or bumpy into a less complicated "smoother" animation curve.
Users may also wish to apply these animation curve simplifications to sub-ranges of an animation curve - just a part of the animation curve.

This tool may be similar to the Smooth Keyframes tool, and although this is a similar tool, there would be different methods available, and the goal here is to reduce the amount of detail.

For example, this tool can be seen more as a "curve fitting" tool, that fits a mathematical curve model to the input set of 2D points.

Examples of simplification methods;

To help with simplifications while maintaining keyframe tangents, we could look at https://github.com/Toolchefs/kiko or https://github.com/Autodesk/animx/ for inspiration.

Expected behavior:

  1. Users should be able to select an attribute or animation curve keyframes
  2. Run a tool
  3. The animation curve will be modified (with undo) with the simplified/smoothed curve values.

User's should then be able to repeat this process, with different attributes or different sections of an animation curve.

Software Versions

  • mmSolver version: 0.5.x
  • Maya version: All supported
  • Operating System (OS): All supported