Dupe polluted water output calculation is wrong
Closed this issue · 3 comments
@brandonegbert So the input is for per cycle whereas the left panel is per second. In order to convert per cycle to per second, I divide the output by 600 (600 seconds in a cycle). So 138,000 grams per cycle would result in 230 grams per second.
The water is off then. It's coming out to 5,000*12=60,000.
Actually this only seems to happen with negative numbers. I'm trying to represent that each dupe will use a lavatory once a cycle which uses 5,000g of water and produces 11,500g of polluted water. What would be the correct way to represent that?
@brandonegbert Nice catch, the negative numbers did not perform the conversion to per second correctly. I have updated GitHub with the 1ca68e2 commit and published to the live site. Thank you.