
Python 3 Implementation

MurageKibicho opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey. Thank you for this library. This is the Python 3 implementation for anyone trying to use this.

import subprocess
from random import randint
from ast import literal_eval
from primefac import primefac
from math import exp, sqrt, log
from sage.all import *

g = 37
h = 211
p = 18443
B = 5
max_equations = 6

# L complexity notation
def L(x): return exp(log(x)*sqrt(log(log(x))))

# determine if n is B-smooth (uses fast factoring)
def is_Bsmooth(b, n):
    P = list(primefac(n))
    if len(P) != 0 and P[-1] <= b: 
        return True, P
    else: return False, P

# Euclidean modular inverse
def euclid_modinv(b, n):
    x0, x1 = 1, 0
    while n != 0:
        q, b, n = b // n, n, b % n
        x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1
    return x0

# convert a list of prime factors (with repetition) to 
# a dictionary of prime factors and their exponents.
def factorlist_to_explist(L):
    D = {}
    for n in L:
        try: D[int(n)] += 1
        except: D[int(n)] = 1
    return {base : D[base] for base in list(D.keys())}

# find congruences in accordance with Hoffstein, Phipher, Silverman (3.32)
def find_congruences(congruences=[], bases=[]):
    unique = lambda l: list(set(l))
    while True:                                                    
        k = randint(2, p)                                                          
        _ = is_Bsmooth(B,  pow(g,k,p))                                             
        if _[0]:                                                                   
            bases = unique([base for c in [list(c[0].keys()) for c in congruences] for base in c])
            if len(congruences) >= max_equations: break
    print('congruences: {}\nbases: {}'.format(len(congruences), len(bases)))
    return bases, congruences

# convert the linear system  to dense matrices 
def to_matrices(bases, congruences):
    M = [[c[0][base] if base in c[0] else 0 \
            for base in bases] for c in congruences]
    b = [c[1] for c in congruences]
    return M, b

def msolve(M,b):
    sage_cmd = 'L1 = {};L2 = {};R = IntegerModRing({});M = Matrix(R, L1);\
		    b = vector(R, L2);print(M.solve_right(b))'.format(M,b,p-1)
    with open('run.sage', 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(sage_cmd)
    cmd_result = subprocess.getoutput('sage ./run.sage')
    #if cmd_result[0] != 0: print ('sage failed with error {}'.format(cmd_result[0])); exit()
    return (list(map(int,cmd_result.translate({ ord(c): None for c in "()," }).split(" ")))) 

# solves a linear equation 
def evaluate(eq, dlogs):
    return sum([dlogs[term] * exp for term, exp in eq.items()]) % (p-1)

def check_congruences(congruences, dlogs):
    print('checking congruences:', end=' '); passed = True 
    for c in congruences:
        if evaluate(c[0], dlogs) != c[1]: passed = False
    if passed: print('Passed!\n')
    else: print('Failed, try running again?'); exit()
    return passed

def check_dlogs(exponents, bases):
    print('checking dlog exponents:'); passed = True 
    for exponent, base in zip(exponents, bases):
        if pow(g, exponent, p) != base: passed = False
        else: print('{}^{} = {} (mod {})'.format(g,exponent, base, p))
    if passed: print('Passed!\n')
    else: print('Failed, try running again.'); exit()
    return passed

def main():
    # generate and solve congruences:
    print('p: {}, g: {}, h: {}, B: {}'.format(p,g,h,B))
    print('searching for congruences.')
    bases, congruences = find_congruences()
    print('converting to matrix format.')
    M, b = to_matrices(bases, congruences)
    print('solving linear system with sage:')
    exponents = msolve(M,b)
    print('sage done.')
    # dictionary of bases and exponents
    dlogs = {b : exp for (b,exp) in zip(bases, exponents)}

    # verify our results:
    check_congruences(congruences, dlogs); check_dlogs(exponents, bases)

    print('searching for k such that h*g^-k is B-smooth.')
    for i in range(10**9):
        k = randint(2, p)
        c = is_Bsmooth(B, (h * pow(euclid_modinv(g,p),k)) % p)
        if c[0]: print('found k = {}'.format(k)) ; break

    print('Solving the main dlog problem:\n')
    soln = (evaluate(factorlist_to_explist(c[1]), dlogs) + k) % (p-1)
    if pow(g,soln,p) == h: 
        print('{}^{} = {} (mod {}) holds!'.format(g,soln,h,p))
        print('DLP solution: {}'.format(soln))
    else: print('Failed.')

if __name__ == '__main__': main()