
About the metrics.

EavianWoo opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I wonder how to calculate the metrics aligned to the paper. I used the provided pretrained model to test. With the provided calculate_metric.py , I set the predict_dir as the 'xx/test/rasterization/' and the gt_dir as 'xx/test/rgb_image', but the metrics can not reach that as mentioned. And I saw the difference between concentrates on the mask edge. i.e. the green cloth, do I need some preprocess, I am not sure whether it is the problem from the way I used to evaluate or something wrong with my environment.

Hello! You should set white_background to False in the config file in order to get metrics from the paper.

Wow, thank u, it goes smoothly. The result in my environment is a little better than it mentioned in the paper.