
SDL2 Missing; Build Issue on Windows 10

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi! Just wanted to confirm that, from my understanding, the library is supposed to build and link SDL2 by itself?

I'm currently on the latest update of Windows 10 using Zig version 0.12.0-dev.309+402468b21. When I try to build the dvui-demo repository, I run into an issue that states:
error: unable to find Dynamic system library 'SDL2' using strategy 'paths_first'. searched paths: none.

Is there any direction anyone can point me towards in resolving this issue?

Thank you!

Sorry about that. While the library eventually should build and link SDL2, it doesn't right now. It's something I'm working on, but in the meantime do you need help building SDL2 separately?

You might be in luck - I just committed adding a zig SDL dependency, and it at least works for me on Windows (but not Mac or Linux). Does running zig build sdl-test work for you now?

Oh wow! Sorry for the delayed response, but that's great to hear! I would love to test it on Windows, but sadly I'm not too familiar with GitHub and am unsure of how to find the link to the latest commit's archive. Do you happen to have the link on hand/know how I could look for it?

Edit: Realized zig build sdl-test was part of dvui, not dvui-demo. Ran successfully on the latest commit on Windows, thank you! I really appreciate the quick follow-up and fix.


Awesome - I'll enable that for windows for the normal examples. Thanks!