
Some problems with libproj library when loading

fsc137 opened this issue · 1 comments

I got the GDL source to compile on a fairly plain-vanilla Ubuntu 18.04 system, but only after solving some loader problems with unresolved names, in particular "pj_init_plus" --- this name appears in "projections.cpp", and that routine does seem to have some conditional compilation commands that circumvent the appearance of "pj_init_plus", but I couldn't get those to work.

What did work was removing all versions of "libproj" and "libgeotiff" and associated files from my system, then going to github and getting the source code for the current versions, compiling and installing "libproj" from proj-7.1.0.tar.gz then compiling and installing "libgeotiff" from libgeotiff-master.zip, and finally compiling GDL. "pj_init_plus" is provided in recent versions of libproj, and the current version of libgeotiff depends on it (and not the deprecated "pj_init"). I got libproj.so.19, whereas the standard version for Ubuntu 18.04 is libproj.so.12

My suggestion on how to deal with this would be to make recent versions of libproj and libgeotiff mandatory.