
FYI Don't upgrade to Stack Heroku-16

unmultimedio opened this issue · 4 comments

In the settings section of an app in Heroku, there's now an option to upgrade to new Stack (if you were using old Cedar-14 Stack)

estamos-liztum-chicos_ _settings___heroku

In the changelog of the new stack, they state among the changes that the HEROKU_ namespace for config vars is reserved, and its recommended to not set variables with that namespace to avoid conflicts.

The HEROKU_ namespace is reserved for config vars set by the Heroku platform in order to offer functionality. If you have created HEROKU_ config vars, we suggest you change them when upgrading to Heroku-16, in order to avoid config var conflicts.

And as the setup of this gem requires:

Add your Heroku app name / API key as config vars to your Heroku instance.
heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=yourapikey APP_NAME=yourherokuappname

It's better to avoid upgrading, at least until the gem supports a different config var name.

Thank you for this report, I'll look into changing this config var to another name.

I've released version 2.1.0 to address this issue. Can you verify the new version works correctly?
I've tested the new version in my own production apps and it I haven't encountered any errors.

Hi @davidakachaos I've found another occurrence of the HEROKU_API_KEY in the scaler file. Should that be changed too?

Please go to this issue on the Workless repository. Thank you!