
This package doesn't work?

anichols-ht opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

I was looking to add this to our eslint setup since it supports configuring the name of the attribute, but when I install it and follow the setup in the readme, I get this for every file being linted:

 1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/onChange' was not found   test-selectors/onChange
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/anchor' was not found     test-selectors/anchor
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/button' was not found     test-selectors/button
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/input' was not found      test-selectors/input
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/onClick' was not found    test-selectors/onClick
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/onKeyDown' was not found  test-selectors/onKeyDown
  1:1  error  Definition for rule 'test-selectors/onKeyUp' was not found    test-selectors/onKeyUp

and it looks like that's because lib/index uses

requireIndex(`${ __dirname }/rules`)

but there isn't an index file in rules (and looking at the requireindex package, it seems like that's how it's intended to be used).

Wait, just double checked the readme and saw that I missed a step. Sorry about that!