
python package for MongoDB Atlas Cloud provider

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Atlas API

A Python package for MongoDB Atlas Cloud provider.

Atlas API

Configure Atlas API Access

Current state of the python-atlasapi support

Code documentation (sphinx)


This package is available for Python 3.5+.

pip3 install atlasapi

Or install the development version from github:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/mickybart/python-atlasapi.git


Get All Database Users

from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

# Low level Api
details = a.DatabaseUsers.get_all_database_users(pageNum=1, itemsPerPage=100)

# Iterable
for user in a.DatabaseUsers.get_all_database_users(iterable=True):

Create a Database User

from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas
from atlasapi.specs import DatabaseUsersPermissionsSpecs, RoleSpecs

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

p = DatabaseUsersPermissionsSpecs("test", "password for test user")
p.add_role("other-test-db", RoleSpecs.readWrite, "a_collection")

details = a.DatabaseUsers.create_a_database_user(p)

Update a Database User

from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas
from atlasapi.specs import DatabaseUsersUpdatePermissionsSpecs, RoleSpecs

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

# Update roles and password
p = DatabaseUsersUpdatePermissionsSpecs("password for test user")
p.add_role("test-db", RoleSpecs.read, "a_collection")

details = a.DatabaseUsers.update_a_database_user("test", p)

Delete a Database User

from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

details = a.DatabaseUsers.delete_a_database_user("test")

Get a Single Database User

from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

details = a.DatabaseUser.get_a_single_database_user("test")


from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

# Get All Projects
for project in a.Projects.get_all_projects(iterable=True):

# Get One Project
details = a.Projects.get_one_project("59a03f423b34b9132757aa0d")

# Create a Project
details = a.Projects.create_a_project("test", "599eed989f78f769464d28cc")


from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

# Is existing cluster ?

# Get All Clusters
for cluster in a.Clusters.get_all_clusters(iterable=True):

# Get a Single Cluster
details = a.Clusters.get_a_single_cluster("cluster-dev")

# Delete a Cluster (dry run, raise ErrConfirmationRequested)
details = a.Clusters.delete_a_cluster("cluster-dev")

# Delete a Cluster (approved)
details = a.Clusters.delete_a_cluster("cluster-dev", areYouSure=True)


from atlasapi.atlas import Atlas
from atlasapi.specs import AlertStatusSpec

a = Atlas("<user>","<password>","<groupid>")

# Get All Alerts in OPEN status
for alert in a.Alerts.get_all_alerts(AlertStatusSpec.OPEN, iterable=True):

# Get an Alert
details = a.Alerts.get_an_alert("597f221fdf9db113ce1755cd")

# Acknowledge an Alert
#  until (now + 6 hours)
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
until = now + timedelta(hours=6)
details = a.Alerts.acknowledge_an_alert("597f221fdf9db113ce1755cd", until, "Acknowledge reason")

#  forever
details = a.Alerts.acknowledge_an_alert_forever("597f221fdf9db113ce1755cd", "Acknowledge reason")

# Unacknowledge an Alert
details = a.Alerts.unacknowledge_an_alert("597f221fdf9db113ce1755cd")

Error Types

About ErrAtlasGeneric

All ErrAtlas* Exception class inherit from ErrAtlasGeneric.

except ErrAtlasGeneric as e:
    c, details = e.getAtlasResponse()
  • 'c'
    HTTP return code (4xx or 5xx for an error, 2xx otherwise)
  • 'details'
    Response payload


  • ErrRole
    A role is not compatible with Atlas
  • ErrPagination
    An issue occurs during a "Get All" function with 'iterable=True'
  • ErrPaginationLimits
    Out of limit on 'pageNum' or 'itemsPerPage' parameters
  • ErrAtlasBadRequest
    Something was wrong with the client request.
  • ErrAtlasUnauthorized
    Authentication is required
  • ErrAtlasForbidden
    Access to the specified resource is not permitted.
  • ErrAtlasNotFound
    The requested resource does not exist.
  • ErrAtlasMethodNotAllowed
    The HTTP method is not supported for the specified resource.
  • ErrAtlasConflict
    This is typically the response to a request to create or modify a property of an entity that is unique when an existing entity already exists with the same value for that property.
  • ErrAtlasServerErrors
    Something unexpected went wrong.
  • ErrConfirmationRequested
    Confirmation requested to execute the call.

Internal Notes

Code documentation (sphinx)

Bugs or Issues

Please report bugs, issues or feature requests to Github Issues