
New version release with PHP8

xmav opened this issue ยท 12 comments

xmav commented


There were some fixes that makes this lib working with PHP8(#575). PHP7.4 is near it is EOL.
Could we get new release of this awesome lib to use it with PHP8?


3D-I commented

Still waiting.

Please, launch a new release. I had issues with this library with latest 0.8.11 since I'm using PHP 8.0 as well.

For anyone wanting a quick & stable solution, this is how to let Composer know about using this library, without using the last master commit (which could cause you troubles):

composer require "lusitanian/oauth:dev-master#ee5a83310c6014b6cc07ac0610ec9d67ba452664 as 0.8.12

This is using a know version of the library that has the patch to make it compatible with PHP 8.0 (at least, it works for me in my use case escenario).

Anyway, lets hope for a release, although it's been a long time without one...

3D-I commented

Is anybody there?

I've just published a package with identical content of the PHP 8 fix of this library here: composer require carlos-mg89/oauth

Might not be ideal, but this could fix your troubles.

3D-I commented

@carlos-mg89 Thanks but we need it for phpBB. I could do that the same in case.

I'm aware that this is far form perfect. Just a temporary solution that it might work for some people until there's a final release (hopefully it'll happen).

3D-I commented

Indeed. much appreciated anyway. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

I know it's a bit old discussion but will there be a new version released for php8+ support on packagist ?

Is it time to move to a successor fork for PHPoAuthLib? I don't think @daviddesberg (formerly @lusitanian it looks like) is active here (apologies if I'm wrong!).

It looks like @carlos-mg89's fork carlos-mg89/oauth is a reasonable contender.

Happy to help with the fork I initiated, and will be very keen reviewing any PRs to keep it up-to-date with proposed changes.

Of course, anyone that would like to be a maintainer aside than myself is more than welcome.

@carlos-mg89 are you still keen to maintain your fork? If not, it looks like perhaps @palpalani has one that's more up to date (not that I've looked into the actual changes much).