
The next steps of development: New demoApp > Extensions

davideas opened this issue ยท 7 comments

A new clearer plan for the next releases. Please follow the wiki page Migrations for all braking changes, between those releases.

Here, the main points of rc1 milestone:

  • I'm working on the new big feature of Scrollable Headers and Footers. Since this feature brings lot of new code, it must be closed as soon as possible.
  • I need to improve the EndlessScrolling / LoadingMore: how it is now, it is not good and with the new concept of footers the progressItem could become a footer item.
  • I need to fix 2 small but annoying bugs in scrolling animations.
  • I have to refactor / deprecate many functions, however, they will be removed in the rc3/final release. So this also must be done asap too.
  • I can simplify a lot the configuration for the sticky header container, doing so we can remove the mini layout from ours xmls.
  • Need to add the possibility to set elevation to the header item and to the sticky header container.

For rc2 milestone:

  • Simplify the initialization and review internal calculations for updateDataSet and filtering.
  • I need to evaluate the creation of a separate library for the extensions.
  • Extension to support DataBinding as this seems highly demanded by the users.
  • Support of Endless Top Scrolling
  • Support of third LayoutManagers.
  • List copy managed internally.
  • An huge improvement for the FastScroller.
  • Get rid of Method B.
  • Allow to filter items preserving the originalList internally.
  • New FlexibleItemDecoration.
  • Better Log system.
  • Code optimization.
  • Finish the Wiki pages.
  • Bug fixes that come from rc1 pre-release.

The rc3 milestone:

  • Include the new GrabVer (Gradle Automatic Build Versioning) which I am currently working on.
  • Delete of all deprecated functions (moved from final, we are getting close to final release!).
  • Features enhancement.
  • I will see what I can do to improve swipe capability.
  • More unit tests.
  • Bug fixes that come from rc2 pre-release.

For final release:

  • More example for the demoApp, included horizontal layout with snapping feature.
  • A new and simple-to-read demoApp (anticipated from final release). Initial basic implementation will come from the new AndroidStarterApp project.
  • Delete of all new deprecated classes and functions done in rc3.
  • Some bug fixes and other code adjustment that will appear clearer with time.
  • Finalizing the demoApp and part of the documentation.
  • Publishing to PlayStore.

Extensions releases has big challenges:
In order to support the DB extensions a new level of Abstraction should be designed. Those extensions will not be confirmed once an acceptable class has been produced.

It looks like RC3 falls into a separate 1.1 release - too many architect work to be done. Shouldn't you better release 1.0, then focus on described extensions for 1.1 instead (as I suppose they could take a long time for a proper, stable and well done implementation) ?

Otherwise - a great work ! :)

I'm personally very like for such number of new great features!
Just maybe one RC should be split to the several full releases ;-)
RC is Release Candidate, there should be just necessary critical bug fixes not completely new breaking features ;-)

Now I'm using SNAPSHOT on my project and it is not the ideal way, it can break my builds every day and also tagging commits of my app like the release is very problematic.

I agree that it would be more convenient for your library users to publish a new usable version and publish the other features/refactorings as a seperated release.

Dears all, OK, I'm convinced from you all to review the plan for the releases. Indeed, the extensions will be new libraries with their own versioning. So, it's better to finalize and make stable this development as you proposed.
I will publish the RC2 as soon as possible.
I will keep only few point and move the development of new demoApp in parallel with RC3.

RC3 is coming soon

  • I do not have time to rewrite the demoApp for the RC3 pre-release.
  • Regarding the new swipe capability, I still don't find a good alternative: the touch listener seems to be the solution most used by others libraries, but here it will require a deep change and lot of time that now I can't dedicate.

So we will go for the RC3 soon.

I will produce in a week or two a RC4 as extra release due to important bug fixed.

Final version is foreseen on 04 March 2018.
Unfortunately, the new demoApp will follow according to my free time.