
[Google] signInWithCredential: auth/internal-error

maggialejandro opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to signInWithCredential using the idToken that I get using https://github.com/devfd/react-native-google-signin

This is the error that it throws:

message:"{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"invalid","message":"Invalid Idp Response: the Google id_token is not allowed to be used with this application. Its audience (OAuth 2.0 client ID) is 907575791000-111507729qcg9q903inpunsuaqbfpuga.apps.googleusercontent.com, which is not authorized to be used in the project with project_number: 439665506444."}],"code":400,"message":"Invalid Idp Response: the Google id_token is not allowed to be used with this application. Its audience (OAuth 2.0 client ID) is 907575791000-111507729qcg9q903inpunsuaqbfpuga.apps.googleusercontent.com, which is not authorized to be used in the project with project_number: 444665506444."}}"

In firebase console I've enabled Google provider, also the Google APP ID to the whitelist.
Also the web client ID that I used with react-native-google-signin and the client secret.

Aditional Information:
"firebase": "^3.7.1"

any ideas?
Thanks in advance

The problem was I was setting the wrong firebase apiKey