
Support for OpenAPI 3.0.x

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I tried to use create-fastify-app with openapi specification version 3.0.1. Example converted v2 petstore swagger on editor.swagger.io to v3. But fastify-app failed with message 'parameter must contain a valid Open Api Version 2.0 or 3.0.x'. Source:

const parse = (content) => {
if (content.swagger && content.swagger.indexOf('2.0') === 0) {
return V2.parse(content)

throw new Error('parameter must contain a valid Open Api Version 2.0 or 3.0.x')

Would like to check if create-fastify-app only supports 2.0?


@tanvp112 Actually create-fastify-app support only v2 version swagger. V3 is not implemented yet.
If you want you can send a PR.

It would be very nice if we started to have many collaborators