
Potential Solution for when you want to bind to a list of objects instead of a DataTable

OceanAirdrop opened this issue · 30 comments

I had a need to bind my DataGridView to a List of objects instead of a DataTable.

But of course, in its current form the ADGV does not let you bind to a list of objects. The FilterStringChanged and SortStringChanged events fire but nothing happens.

So I thought I would have a play with this today. I found out that there is a nuget library that allows you to pass a dynamic string to the Where clause of a Linq query. So instead of doing this:

Where(x => x.Field1 == "SomeValue")

...you can pass a string through, like this:


When the FilterStringChanged event is fired we get the users filter string. For example:

([string] IN ('10 str', '100 str')) AND ([decimal] IN (66.66, 77.77))

So I wrote a function to convert the above string to a format that Dynamic Linq requires:

(string.Contains('10 str') or string.Contains('100 str')) AND (decimal != null && (decimal.Contains(66.66) or decimal.Contains(77.77) )

And it works!!!

You can nuget the dynamic Linq library is from here: https://github.com/kahanu/System.Linq.Dynamic

This is my code:

List<DataPointGridViewModel> m_dataGridBindingList = null;
List<DataPointGridViewModel> m_filteredList = null;

private void dataGridView2_FilterStringChanged(object sender, Zuby.ADGV.AdvancedDataGridView.FilterEventArgs e)
        if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataGridView2.FilterString) == true )
            m_filteredList = m_dataGridBindingList;
            dataGridView2.DataSource = m_dataGridBindingList;
            var listfilter = FilterStringconverter(dataGridView2.FilterString);

            m_filteredList = m_filteredList.Where(listfilter).ToList();

            dataGridView2.DataSource = m_filteredList;
    catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

and the string converter function looks like this:

private string FilterStringconverter(string filter)
    string newColFilter = "";

    // get rid of all the parenthesis 
    filter = filter.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "");

    // now split the string on the 'and' (each grid column)
    var colFilterList = filter.Split(new string[] { "AND" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

    string andOperator = "";

    foreach (var colFilter in colFilterList)
        newColFilter += andOperator;

        // split string on the 'in'
        var temp1 = colFilter.Trim().Split(new string[] { "IN" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

        // get string between square brackets
        var colName = temp1[0].Split('[', ']')[1].Trim();

        // prepare beginning of linq statement
        newColFilter += string.Format("({0} != null && (", colName);

        string orOperator = "";

        var filterValsList = temp1[1].Split(',');

        foreach (var filterVal in filterValsList)
            // remove any single quotes before testing if filter is a num or not
            var cleanFilterVal = filterVal.Replace("'", "").Trim();

            double tempNum = 0;
            if (Double.TryParse(cleanFilterVal, out tempNum))
                newColFilter += string.Format("{0} {1} = {2}", orOperator, colName, cleanFilterVal.Trim());
                newColFilter += string.Format("{0} {1}.Contains('{2}')", orOperator, colName, cleanFilterVal.Trim());

            orOperator = " OR ";

        newColFilter += "))";

        andOperator = " AND ";

    // replace all single quotes with double quotes
    return newColFilter.Replace("'", "\"");

Finally, here is the sort function:

private void dataGridView2_SortStringChanged(object sender, Zuby.ADGV.AdvancedDataGridView.SortEventArgs e)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataGridView2.SortString) == true)

        var sortStr = dataGridView2.SortString.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataGridView2.FilterString) == true)
            // the grid is not filtered!
            m_dataGridBindingList = m_dataGridBindingList.OrderBy(sortStr).ToList();
            dataGridView2.DataSource = m_dataGridBindingList;
            // the grid is filtered!
            m_filteredList = m_filteredList.OrderBy(sortStr).ToList();
            dataGridView2.DataSource = m_filteredList;
    catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

I know, its a bit of work around but it works for me so I thought I would share it here.

Thank you for sharing this solution, It could helps other people that are in trouble with this!
If it's not a problem for you I would add this discussion link to the README of the project...

Oh, yes, that's fine. No probs from me.

README file has now been updated. Thank you!

This example doesn't work for fields that are boolean type. Boolean type dont have brackets in filter text and filtering crashes because of out of index when spliting and using index 1 which dont exist.

Ahh yes... For my use case I didn't have any boolean fields in my data model. I must admit, I didn't check all datatypes. Only the ones I needed.. But it shouldn't be too hard to add that in though. If I have got time I will take a look tomorrow.

ahh cool.. yeah, that is pretty much what I would probably have done as well..

I have just knocked up a proof of concept demo app for this which can be found here: https://github.com/OceanAirdrop/AdvancedDataGridViewDataModel

I have tested it with the following data types:

  • int
  • string
  • bool
  • DateTime
  • double
  • decimal

If there are any other missing column types, I will leave it as an exercise for someone to add / improve upon.

My implementation:

private void dataGridView2_FilterStringChanged(object sender, Zuby.ADGV.AdvancedDataGridView.FilterEventArgs e)
        if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataGridView2.FilterString))
            m_filteredList = m_dataGridBindingList;                
            m_filteredList  = FilterAndSortDataStr(m_dataGridBindingList, dataGridView2.FilterString, dataGridView2.SortString);
        dataGridView2.DataSource = m_dataGridBindingList;
    catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);


private List<T> FilterAndSortDataStr(IEnumerable<T> collection, string filter, string sort)
    if (collection == null) {
        return new List<T>();

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sort)) {
        return collection.ToList();

    var table = new DataTable {
        CaseSensitive = false

    var props = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
        .Where(prop => !Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute)))
    table.Columns.AddRange(props.Select(p => new DataColumn(p.Name, p.PropertyType)).ToArray());
    table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn { DataType = typeof(int) });

    var itemList = collection.ToArray();
    var count = itemList.Length;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        var data = new object[props.Count + 1];
        var dataItems = props.Select(p => p.GetValue(itemList[i], null)).ToArray();

        for (var z = 0; z < props.Count; z++) {
            data[z] = dataItems[z];

        data[props.Count] = i;

    DataRow[] rows = null;

    try {
        var dv = table.DefaultView;
        dv.RowFilter = filter ?? string.Empty;
        dv.Sort = sort ?? string.Empty;
        rows = dv.ToTable().Rows.Cast<DataRow>().ToArray();
    catch(EvaluateException) { }

    var result = new List<T>();
    if (rows != null) {
        var indexes = rows.Select(r => (int)r[table.Columns.Count - 1]).ToArray();

        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
             if (indexes.Contains(i)) {

    return result;

FilterAndSortDataStr converts the source list to DataTable and apply the filter and sort and then it convert back to list. Maybe not the best performance, but it works with every filter/sort.

I like it. Not tested it out, but this is much cleaner than my original proof-of-concept and because it uses reflection, it side-steps the issue of having to detect the column type.


hello i charged all the libraries in my project but it seems that my visual studio doesn't recognisez DataPointGridViewModel
some help please

Hi @RIDAAbder - Yyou need to replace DataPointGridViewModel with whatever data class you have. That's the data you want to display in the grid.

For example:

public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }

Hi ,
i have downloaded your demo project , thanks for developing advancedgrid with objects , after filtering i am not see other entries in the filter form like excel filter.

Could you please help me in this.


Dear @ravit23 , please test it with the AdvancedDataGridViewSample solution provided.

Thanks for your reply , please find the attached document for your referrance, i am not able to see complete entries in the filter popup window once i selected any item in the filter.
Advanced data Grid View Filter.docx

Thanks for quick response.
Based on your demo project code only i am trying , i am not able to see complete entries in filter popup window once i filtered , Please find my below steps as per the excel

  • useually if we filter in any one column for one entry the respective rows will be displayed in the excel sheet
  • after that if i want add another filter on top of my first filter then i will open filter pop up and will select different entry. this is not happening in this demo project.
    please see attchement in my previous comment there i add all the screenshots with selected DataPointId column.


Please let me know if my query is not clear.

Thanks for your reply , please find the attached document for your referrance, i am not able to see complete entries in the filter popup window once i selected any item in the filter.
Advanced data Grid View Filter.docx

You question is not referred to the topic of this issue. Anyway, you should check the SetTextFilterRemoveNodesOnSearch method, i think that's the behaviour you want to achieve.

Thanks for the reply, even this method is not triggering is not called during this operation. Finally i have achieved this by IBindingListView but i am facing Empty rows issues in the datagrid view. Please find the below code snippet which i am facing empty rows issue.
public object this[int index]
if (index < AllMessages.Count)
return AllMessages[GridMessages[index]];
return string.Empty;

            //throw new NotImplementedException();

Since you have explained IBindinglist in another blog so i am asking here, during initial load allmessages will be assigned to datagrid , after that based on filter gridmessges will hold the filtered ID's and will evaluate this method, due to this AdvancedDataGridView showing empty rows after filtered rows display..

Thanks in Advance..

Please suggest me how to resolve this empty rows issue in the AdvancedDataGridView.

i am able to resolve all the issues , no need to look for any thing, thanks for quick responses for my queries.


@ravit23 happy to hear this. It's way better than us solving for you, I mean that you have learn much more in this way.

It doesn't look these methods work for custom filter? Does anyone have it working with that?

Dear @OceanAirdrop
Following through with the solution provided, I am unable to Filter Strings having parenthesis in them.
Strings like Hello without a parenthesis filter without any issue. But a string like Hello(sir) does show an empty grid. It is unable to filter. To solve the issue I removed
// get rid of all the parenthesis
filter = filter.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "");
from the String Converter Method and I am now getting Syntax Error message when trying to use the filter.
I don't know if it has anything to do with Linq.dynamic library.
Please any suggestions/fixes on how to filter the string with parenthesis. Thanks.

estimado @OceanAirdrop, @davidegironi
buena noche a alguien le sucede que inicia el programa y este se reinicia solo, me esta sucediendo cuando utilizo este componente la primera vez reinicia el programa.

dear @OceanAirdrop, @davidegironi
Good night, it happens to someone that he starts the program and it restarts by itself, it is happening to me when I use this component the first time it restarts the program.

I don't understand how can it be, that such a popular control, such a popular common problem solution, so bad documented is.
Ok, after some hours of search, have found a solution that perfectly works for me.

  1. One need a DataTable and a underling DataView, coz this class implements IBindingListView which is needed for a filtering/sorting to work. One more time. If your source-class, from which you build a BindingSource doesn't implement this interface, you won't be able to sort or filter. https://stackoverflow.com/a/18534352
  2. Solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839022/listt-to-dataview and then:
var dataView = Helpers.BuildDataTable<YourClass>(dataList).DefaultView;
advancedDataGridView1.DataSource = dataView;

FilterStringChanged event:

private void advancedDataGridView1_FilterStringChanged(object sender, Zuby.ADGV.AdvancedDataGridView.FilterEventArgs e)
            var grid = (Zuby.ADGV.AdvancedDataGridView)sender;
            var dw = (DataView)grid.DataSource;
            dw.RowFilter = e.FilterString;

Thats it!

UPD 1: In order to convert a class, that contains Nullable data types you need to change in Function CreateTable following:
tbl.Columns.Add(prop.Name, IsNullableType(prop.PropertyType) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) : prop.PropertyType);
The Function you also need:

private static bool IsNullableType(Type type)
            return type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>));

UPD 2: If you need a sort functionality just create and bind a BindingSource:

var bs = new BindingSource();
bs.DataSource = dataView;
advancedDataGridView1.DataSource = bs;

after that don't forget to change your FilterStringChanged event:

var bs = (BindingSource)grid.DataSource;
bs.Filter = e.FilterString;