
Missing event property from IViewportOptions

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Seems like the new updated code for pixi8 is missing properties for events:


Unless im missing something?

temp solution:

npm i "https://github.com/davidfig/pixi-viewport.git#master" --save

you might need:

npm install --save-dev husky
npm install --global yarn

@bumberboy doesn't seem to work for me as the issue seems to be in the src itself as even doing "pixi-viewport/src" yields same results.

I believe the issue is in the version hosted by npm. In the master branch here, the Viewport has events instead of interactions. The command above will force npm to use the master branch on github instead of the package on npm. You might also want to try deleting the pixi-viewport directory from your node modules before running the command.