
Give meaning to Foobar Layer

Opened this issue · 2 comments

From @Disastergirl on May 26, 2015 12:47


  • Perlin Noise here could be replaced by environmental noise- "Rustle Noise", including random pulses characterised by the rustle time (the mean interval between pulses), with little or no pitch.
  • Using the clock-face tonality scale, the movement of the triangle strip would transform
  • Harmonics?
  • more coming…

Copied from original issue: Disastergirl/Kaleidoscope#7

Another option:

  • extend the triangle strip surface with a depth dimension and introduce light and shadow; the additional depth parameters could come from a noise generator as well. It won't look as interesting and artistic as the image below, but it's the same idea depth-wise.

    3D triangle mesh

That's exactly what I was thinking, and we discussed that a little I believe, but it's possible you didn't understand my explanation. However this topic is more about the conceptuality of it. But yes, Let's do it. I'll check if the tutorial has the information for the shader.