
Full screen display and multi-screen support

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Please add support for the following features:

  • Full screen mode of the application for presentation purposes.
  • Moving the window to a different screen without (permanent) graphics glitches.
  • Possibly spanning the sketch over multiple screens.

This may be difficult to resolve consistently across platforms (as documented), especially, since we're wrapping the sketch in another Java Applet.

Resizing the applet viewer produced the expected result on my end, so the easiest way to make the sketch span the whole desktop surface, is to maximise the size of its container window.

Does the described behaviour work on OS X as well? Is it, what you expect, when you say “[f]ull screen”? An alternative meaning would be to have the sketch span over the entire screen, including desktop elements like taks bars or panels.

The problem is the screen I was using at the venue. We already discussed how this is probably another problem. When I move the viewer onto that screen it jumps down halfway through the screen, resizing doesn't matter. Windows from other applications don't behave like this. But a full screen mode will definitely be necessary for the eventual exported program.

Screen management including support for fullscreen display was added in ada1086 (border-less in 4c081b5).

I could only test it with OpenJDK 1.7 (u79) in Gnome Shell (v3.4.1) running on X.Org (v1.7.6), but it should work on all major Linux window managers in combination with OpenJDK ≥1.7. According to my research, support on Windows and OS X is in a much better state due to the lack of diverse display servers and window managers. If you experience issues, please leave a comment and reopen this one.

The resizing of the sketch may be glitchy under some circumstances, but currently it's a minor annoyance at best. If that behaviour becomes more serious or important, reopen this issue.