
Only detecting Neutral or Confidence

Disastergirl opened this issue · 4 comments

For at least 20 tries I only seem to be having neutral or confidence detected in no matter what I say.

This may be a consequence of #2. Let's see, how that turns out.

Currently am getting only "Confidence" displayed however it is clear by the colours and keywords that the text output may be incorrect. Most of the time there are neutral results (grey images) and still says confidence. There was also an obvious fear result however still stating Confidence. Also it gives the confidence weighting of either 0.0, or 0.948, every time.

I cannot reproduce any of this. I have tested:

  • Transcription from both audio files and a microphone. Empty results lead to an exception from the response parser (for which I'm about to push a fix), but this shouldn't affect non-empty results. The confidence varies depending on the precision of my articulation.
  • Text entry leads to the detection of various emotions and their associated colours. Image results from Chromatik appear to be more scarce than I remember them. In particular, the default text query leads to an empty query result.

On which branch/commit are you? Please set kaleidok.util.debugmanager.verbose to 3 and provide the issued query text and program output. If possible, test with a pre-recorded audio snippet (using kaleidok.examples.kaleidoscope.audio.input) and provide it as well.

According to our recent conversations, this issue cannot be reproduced.