
Screenshot export

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be nice to have the option to make “posters“ of the sketch overlaid with the supplied text message.

Possible options to distribute the resulting poster:

  • save as a file and handle the distribution manually (copy to medium or one of the options below),
  • print,
  • send as e-mail attachment,
  • upload to a web site.

Closing for now until the need for improvement arises.

During a meeting we narrowed the scope of the export functionality (for now):

  • The aim is to display a stream of KaleidOK screenshots during public presentations/exhibitions, if a participant agrees to contribute their result(s). This serves a dual purpose:
    • Provide participants with a keepsake of their participation to share with their peers. We should make it as simple as possible for participants to access and share their keepsake, i. e. minimize media discontinuity (e. g. no manual typing of hard-to-remember URIs).
    • Provide us with a quickly increasing set of easy to grasp “user impressions” to use in publications and advertisement.
  • Screenshots should be uploaded to some online service – starting with Instagram, maybe others at a later point.

I propose this user story:

  1. Participant P interacts for some time with KaleidOK and produces a few results in the process.
  2. Operator O initiates a screenshot upload manually. A pop-up dialogue appears and allows O to choose one or more recent screenshot samples from an ordered set of thumbnails for immediate upload.
  3. (optional) Relay the screenshot URI to P. Possible transfer media (with ease-of-use ratings in parentheses) are
    • a QR code representation of the URI to record and decode with P's smartphone (++),
    • an e-mail to an address specified by P (0).

I'll take care of the technical part. What I still need from @Disastergirl is the graphical design (image dimensions, overlay text content, position, and style). Otherwise it's just going to be default-font black text somewhere near the top left-hand corder. :-P

Turns out there's no (official) API for publishing pictures on an Instagram account. It's possible to use Instagram's undocumented internal API but it's changed relatively frequently according to other people on the internet. That means such a software connector will likely require a lot maintenance work.

Can we use a different image hosting service instead? Tumblr and Imgur are quite developer-friendly and don't impose or enforce too many restrictions on content based on copyright. Or we just go with Flickr.

From a legal point of view we're clearly doing derived work anyway, so we are always allowed to publish it. In the worst case we may be required to pay license fees (if we're caught), but they should be small and the likelihood is small too. Some legal scholars find it debatable whether non-commercial remixes of published work need to be licensed.