
Intelligent window placement triggers a bug in OS X

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It's disabled in 5276c3c as a work-around for now, but this needs more investigation. Revert the commit to exhibit it again.

One consequence of the lack of intelligent window placement is that the sketch and the controls window both appear at the centre of the primary screen when KaleidOk runs for the first time in a new user account (or, more precisely, when no preferences setting exists with a different window geometry).

Either window may appear on top of the other either occluding the centre of the sketch or hiding the controls window entirely until the user brings it to the front through the window manager.

I may have found a solution that works on OS X too. A test branch is available at feature/window-placement including a launch configuration “KaleidoscopeApp (tmp)” that runs in a temporary directory and ignores any existing application preferences.

@Disastergirl Could you please try this for me? We can hold a TeamViewer session if you'd like.