
Max Keyword Limitation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

From @Disastergirl on May 26, 2015 11:17

When increasing the number of keywords, use any of these words or all of these words to increase potential context specific image results.

Copied from original issue: Disastergirl/Kaleidoscope#1

Unfortunately Chromatik doesn't support disjunctive search terms. Only logical conjunction is possible according to our knowledge. Possible solutions or workarounds:

  1. Acquire an API documentation of Chromatik or find an example describing disjunction and modify our Chromatik connector accordingly. This seems unlikely, because Chromatik has never been formally released, there's no public documentation and Exalead appears to have abandoned the project.
  2. Issue one search request to Chromatik for each search term and unite the results. This may introduce significant delay, if not handled concurrently and efficiently or for large amounts of search terms/requests.
  3. Find and use a different searchable image database.

We must find a different image database then, because this really limits the results.

I think it's worth to give 2) a try.