
Regex Extract Noun

Opened this issue · 2 comments

From @Disastergirl on May 26, 2015 11:23

Use a sentence chunker or tree parser for extracting noun phrases to enhance contextual result. Either use this to replace Max Keyword or in combination (also as "any of these words"). *This needs to be conceptualised further.

Copied from original issue: Disastergirl/Kaleidoscope#2

What exactly do you consider a “noun” and a “regex”? If common definitions (noun, regular expression) apply, then the latter are a totally inappropriate tool to identify the former, since the structures of natural languages are commonly modelled with some simplifications as context-free languages and described by grammars, which are on a higher Chomsky hierarchy level than regular languages (described by regular expressions).

I would hypothesise, that other word types besides nouns can be key words in a sentence. In particular short sentences like in a casual conversation often rely on a verb or an adjective to carry the key semantics.

Ok, well I just tried to find what I was looking for. Noun was to be combined with the other keyword search. Also, we are not using casual conversation, we are using intentional emotional speech. The specific reason I choose noun is because they can be visualised literally. Synesketch is already focussing on verbs and adjectives.