
Curved tips of spikes on the FFT - Spectrogram Layer

Opened this issue · 1 comments

From @Disastergirl on May 26, 2015 11:27

The tips of the spikes have square ends. Ideally these tips would be curved or rounded. Or pointed as was with the Tarsos FFT.

Copied from original issue: Disastergirl/Kaleidoscope#3

The plateaus in the spectrum graphs are an artefact caused by logarithmic scaling of the abscissa. This has nothing to do with TarsosDSP vs. Minim. There just aren't enough spectral lines available for higher resolution among low frequencies. Possible solutions or alleviations of the problems include:

  1. Go back to linear abscissa scaling as was the case until a24b8dd. Both TarsosDSP and Minim are capable of this.
  2. Greatly increase the Fourier window size and hence the spectral resolution at the cost of temporal resolution. Considering that the Fourier windows can overlap, this may have a visually desirable effect, if the delay doesn't become a problem.
  3. Sharpen the plateau sections in a post-processing step. This can be combined with 2.