
Problem using plugin on Windows?

eehusky opened this issue · 2 comments

Ran into a problem with running this on windows. Im not entirely sure whats special about my setup that would cause this.

Relevant line from attached error message

line = "C:\\Users\\eehusky\\anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\_pytest\\_argcomplete.py:103:1: error: Skipping analyzing 'argcomplete.completers': found module but no type hints or library stubs"

    def from_output(cls, line: str) -> "Message":
        m = cls.OUTPUT_RE.match(line)
        if not m:
>           raise ValueError("Not a valid mypy message")
E           ValueError: Not a valid mypy message

Brass tacks, It think the entire absolute path getting included and is messing with the regex.

I think it is getting hung up on the C: in the file path in mypy messages. But I am by no means a regex guru so Ill withhold judgement.

OUTPUT_RE = re.compile(
        r"^(?P<fname>[^:]+):"   # << This 
        r" *(?P<severity>(error|note|warning)):"

I did mess around with this a bit and found if i removed the C: from the text it would work fine.

import os
import re
OUTPUT_RE = re.compile(
        r" *(?P<severity>(error|note|warning)):"

def from_output(line: str) -> "Message":
    m = OUTPUT_RE.match(line)
    if not m:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid mypy message")
    return (
        int(m.group("colno")) if m.group("colno") else None,

line = "C/Users/eehusky/anaconda3/lib/site-packages/_pytest/_argcomplete.py:103:1: error: Skipping analyzing 'argcomplete.completers': found module but no type hints or library stubs"
line = "C:/Users/eehusky/anaconda3/lib/site-packages/_pytest/_argcomplete.py:103:1: error: Skipping analyzing 'argcomplete.completers': found module but no type hints or library stubs"

Output from above test

('C:\\Users\\eehusky\\anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\_pytest\\_argcomplete.py', 103, 1, 'ERROR', "Skipping analyzing 'argcomplete.completers': found module but no type hints or library stubs")
ValueError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-f28f32de0f3a> in <module>
     25 print(from_output(line))
     26 line = "C:/Users/eehusky/anaconda3/lib/site-packages/_pytest/_argcomplete.py:103:1: error: Skipping analyzing 'argcomplete.completers': found module but no type hints or library stubs"
---> 27 print(from_output(line))

<ipython-input-17-f28f32de0f3a> in from_output(line)
     12     m = OUTPUT_RE.match(line)
     13     if not m:
---> 14         raise ValueError("Not a valid mypy message")
     15     return (
     16         os.path.abspath(m.group("fname")),

ValueError: Not a valid mypy message



I just modified my local copy of message.py and added a line = line.replace('C:','') to the beginning of from_output and now the plugin works great.

yeah, I'm seeing this too:

  cls = <class 'pytest_mypy_testing.message.Message'>
  line = 'D:\\tmp\\.tox\\py310-windows-pyqt5\\lib\\site-packages\\pydantic\\typing.py:42:5: error: Cannot assign to a type  [misc]'


          m = cls.OUTPUT_RE.match(line)
          if not m:
  >           raise ValueError("Not a valid mypy message")
  E           ValueError: Not a valid mypy message
  D:\tmp\.tox\py310-windows-pyqt5\lib\site-packages\pytest_mypy_testing\message.py:217: ValueError