
Login not possible anymore again

reaseno opened this issue · 18 comments

Since 2 hours or such, I can't log into whatsapp anymore. Probably all clients not able to encrypt or not able to provide the information about it, are not allowed anymore. In WA Android App in the contact info of my whatsapp-purple contact stands, that it is not able to encrypt.

(02:37:52) connection: Connection error on 0A976480 (reason: 0 description: Server closed the connection)

I have the same problem using the resource Android-2.12.419. Starting pidgin from a terminal with the -d option (debug) show me a more explicit message; connection: Connection error on 0x7fa35ad842a0 (reason: 2 description: not-authorized).

The same happened to me yesterday. "reason: 2 description: not-authorized"

it seems that Whatsapp has started a witch hunt since WhatsappPlus became popular, blocking several accounts using "unofficial" client

any resolution to make it connect? different resource or upgrade?

It still works for me, resource Android-2.31.151-443 and "send ciphered messages when possible" enabled.

@saviola777 tried that, don't work neither. it said server closed the connection

server empty
port 443
nickname empty
resources : Android-2.31.151-443

checked send ciphered messages when possible
unchecked Download pictures as attachments.

@jasonwee I assume you are using the latest git version of the plugin?

I'm not sure, could be that my account has simply not been banned yet and I'll soon have the same problem.

got the latest compiled version in the ubuntu package, extracted and put into debian file structure. well i supposed this is inconvenient but works in my situation and learn some :)

KottV commented

I've got "server closed connection" with master and devel branches.
Tried res: Android-2.31.151-443 and Android-2.12.326-443

upd. Well, it seems my number is blocked.

will there be any update to the binary package or 3rd party of whatsapp cease to work with the whatsapp forever?

@saviola777 Resource Android-2.31.151-443 works for me right now, too. Thank you.

@hoehermann How did you create your account ? Do you use what's app only with whatsapp purple ?

@phervieux Yes, I connect to WhatsApp exclusively with whatsapp-purple.
I registered two numbers. Both unable to process SMS messages, so I needed the voice based authentication. I registered using https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup in 2014. It does not seem to work anymore. In 2016, I had success with https://github.com/mgp25/Chat-API/blob/master/examples/registerTool.php only.

My account got banned.

Hi, I contacted What's App support and I got this answer:


vielen Dank für deine Nachricht.

Es sieht so aus, als ob du einen nicht-autorisierte WhatsApp Client verwendest. Nicht-autorisierte Clients enthalten Quellcode, von dem WhatsApp nicht garantieren kann, dass er sicher ist.
Deine privaten Informationen werden potentiell an Dritte weitergegeben. Es kann außerdem vorkommen, dass nicht-autorisierte Clients nicht korrekt funktionieren und jederzeit gar nicht mehr funktionieren können.

Bitte deinstalliere deinen WhatsApp Client und installiere die offizielle Version von:


Nachdem du die offizielle Version installiert hast, kontaktiere bitte den Support mit einem Screenshot aus der App oder einem Foto von deinem Bildschirm heraus noch einmal.

In der Gebrauchsanleitung deines Telefons, kannst du nachlesen, wie du einen Screenshot auf deinem Gerät machen kannst.

Beachte, dass du WhatsApp auf einem Smartphone verwenden musst. Nicht telefoniefähige Geräte, inklusive Tablets, werden nicht unterstützt.

Best Regards,

WhatsApp Support Team

In English:

Thank you for your reply,
It seems that you have used an unauthorized WhatsApp client. Unauthorized clients' source code is not guaranteed by WhatsApp.
Your private data could potentially be shared with third parties.
Unauthorized client could also not work properly and potentially crash at any time.
Please get rid of your WhatsApp client and install ours from www.whatsapp.com/download/

wedok commented

Your private data could potentially be shared with third parties.
the only reason why whatsapp doesnt make an official way for pidgin, miranda, etc is that its not possible to spy on those users.

the whatsapp client collects everything!

@wedok I don't think the client spies on users, since it would be a dangerous and idiotic move for Facebook, think about it a decent team of reverse engineers + network experts could discover the leak in just a day and it would be a major scandal for Facebook.
What I do think EVERYTHING you ever send or do in this app is stored server side forever, they have from your wife naked pictures to whatever you send in this closed source obfuscated piece of crap software. They are the big brother and they have a profile on everyone they wish to spy.

Common sense would be to use an open source app published and revised by community, but people don't know or care about it, they use whatever marketing push for them and we are FORCED to use this because of them, there is no escape because "people" group holds our work clients/bosses, friends, family, girlfriend, whatever; Same with Skype, etc... We are doomed.