
Unable to scan device

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Hi, I use this tool to scan BLE device on Ubuntu 22.04, but it can not scan any devices. However, when I use "bluetoothctl scan on", it's able to sacn the surrounding BT devices.

[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 90:A2:CE:69:73:F1 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 00:E0:12:34:56:78 RTL_FPR5813SKY
[NEW] Device 4E:B1:CF:24:96:D1 4E-B1-CF-24-96-D1
[CHG] Device 4E:B1:CF:24:96:D1 RSSI: -92
[NEW] Device 64:9E:31:6E:03:5A Mesh Mi Mosq V2
[CHG] Device 4E:B1:CF:24:96:D1 RSSI: -102

For me it is the same, it doesnt recognize any adv telegrams flying around which I can see with my Android BLE Scanner.
Is there any filter which blocks receiving certain telegrams?