
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16,) (32,)

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There is a bug in the predict function when the window_size w>1:

beginning the smoothening ALGORITHM
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-f7f6321b34d3> in <module>
----> 1 ticc.predict_clusters(X2)

~\Desktop\Appnomic\paytm_corebanking_may19_jul19_raw_csvs\raw_csvs\TICC_solver.py in predict_clusters(self, test_data)
    394                                                          self.trained_model['cluster_mean_stacked_info'],
    395                                                          test_data,
--> 396                                                          self.trained_model['time_series_col_size'])
    398         # Update cluster points - using NEW smoothening

~\Desktop\Appnomic\paytm_corebanking_may19_jul19_raw_csvs\raw_csvs\TICC_solver.py in smoothen_clusters(self, cluster_mean_info, computed_covariance, cluster_mean_stacked_info, complete_D_train, n)
    280                     cluster_mean = cluster_mean_info[self.number_of_clusters, cluster]
    281                     cluster_mean_stacked = cluster_mean_stacked_info[self.number_of_clusters, cluster]
--> 282                     x = complete_D_train[point, :] - cluster_mean_stacked[0:(self.num_blocks - 1) * n]
    283                     inv_cov_matrix = inv_cov_dict[cluster]
    284                     log_det_cov = log_det_dict[cluster]

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16,) (32,)