
Reports are generating with inconsistent and getting mismatch for the Custom datasets.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Team,

When I ran the "example.py" with your dataset, the number of records is equal to the number of results present in "results.txt",
for example, for "example_data.txt" having 19,608 records when I ran the simulation in return I'm getting 19,608 results in "result.txt"
but when I ran the same code for my dataset with have 9 channels of data that for around 1 lakh records, in return I'm getting around 6.5 lakh results in "results.txt", I'm unable to trace the inconsistency in results, can you please help me.
all the configurations are default as present in "example.py"


Hello there!

In what environment did you run it,,, I can’t run py2.7+cvxpy0.4.0+snap2.7 and py3.7+cvxpy+snap3.7 under Windows10.