
Player page needs more sections

davidhu2000 opened this issue · 4 comments

We are missing a section in the video details page. We don't have the section with video title. This is what actual youtube look like.

screen shot 2017-04-11 at 10 39 21 am

This is what ours look like

screen shot 2017-04-11 at 10 43 31 am

You can continue to work from the player-frame branch, just make sure to git pull on the master branch, then git rebase master while on the player-frame branch.

I've got everything in that section now, except the number of subscribers next to the subscribe button. That would require a separate API call to pull, so if you think it's worth it I can set that up too. Otherwise it's good to have Alex work on it.

Pretty sure that extra api call doesn't cost too much, let's add it in.

Are you working on player-frame branch still?

Sounds good, and yes.