
Add Dequelabs

davidhund opened this issue · 3 comments

@davidhund 👉 I feel like Dequelab is more of an already composed pattern library, as opposed to a pattern library generator or style guide generator; which is the intended focus of the list.

@ran-dall - I see. It seems to have turned into that ('Cauldron') indeed.
We might want to remove it (or move it to an 'Inspiration' section)

We might want to remove it (or move it to an 'Inspiration' section)

@davidhund Perhaps it would be wiser to reference other similar indexes (i.e., Awesome Lists) that offer similar resources. Here are some that I reference, maybe I can include them during the refactor...

...and while there is some overlap between them; there really isn't any Awesome List for Pattern Library Generators or Style Guide Generators, so not much overlap with ours.