
npm rebuild fails because of Windows dependency

Closed this issue · 3 comments

grexe commented

The build and docs should be cross-platform. Both contain references to Windows, e.g. npm rebuild fails because of this line in package.json:

"rebuild": ".\node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild.cmd"

(should be node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild on Mac, also needs Xcode CLI Tools installed)

Perhaps you can contribute a solution. I don't have a mac to test this. Or maybe you can support me by testing a branch?

grexe commented

sorry for the late reply, I found that my simple setup with stock Camunda modeller is sufficient for now, but would still be willing to help you out here.
I can support you with testing, have any branch ready?

@grexe Should also be fixed by "fix_compilation_missing_mainjs" branch