
TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstRun' of undefined

shaunjohansen opened this issue · 2 comments

We are intermittently seeing this error in our logs using v3.5.14. It has been seen on desktop Chrome, iOS and Android.

I have tracked it down to the settings[iframeId].firstRun in this function:

		function checkReset(){
			// Reduce scope of firstRun to function, because IE8's JS execution
			// context stack is borked and this value gets externally
			// changed midway through running this function!!!
				firstRun           = settings[iframeId].firstRun,
				resetRequertMethod = settings[iframeId].heightCalculationMethod in resetRequiredMethods;

			if (!firstRun && resetRequertMethod){
				resetIFrame({iframe:iframe, height:0, width:0, type:'init'});

Offering up a pull request to address the issue: #499

Fix r3.5.15