
incompatible OpenGL 1.4 detected on host with Geforce GTX 1070, which supports OpenGL 4.6

salfter opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using this to launch on a Gentoo Linux host, a homebuilt Ryzen 7 3800X with the aforementioned GPU:

docker run --net=host -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $PWD:/Slic3r/3d:z -v /home/salfter/:/home/slic3r -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --rm keyglitch/docker-slic3r-prusa3d

At startup, this throws an error messsage about an OpenGL version under 2.0. If I launch from the AppImage provided by Prusa, OTOH, it starts right up and the proper OpenGL version is reported.

This container does work on a Framework Laptop 13 with a Core i7 1165G7 and its integrated graphics, also running under Gentoo Linux.

Is there something not being communicated properly about the GPU between the host and the container? Is there a bit of configuration I've missed somewhere?

davidk commented

Hello, thanks for the report. I tested on a system with a 1080 and a fresh Fedora 38 installation. This is using the docker curl install method and OS provided drivers. The behavior is expected to be pass-through, where the containerized PrusaSlicer "sees" the host's GL version.

For example (output of inxi -Fx from the host, compared to PrusaSlicer's about screen): Snapshot

Internally, the Docker image's OS is quite old (and reported a 3.x OpenGL version), so i've bumped the distribution up from oldstable to current debian stable. It should now report 4.3:

docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:z -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --entrypoint /usr/bin/glxinfo -it --rm keyglitch/docker-slic3r-prusa3d | grep -i 'opengl version'
OpenGL version string: 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 22.3.6

Please pull the image down again and give it a try when you are able to, to see if that resolves the issue. I suspect it's likely that there may be another issue preventing the image from working properly, however