
Undefined variable

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Node version: 6.10.2
Npm version: 4.6.1
OS: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

Sassport does not recognize a global variable.
This is my code:

Sass file:

	color: white
	font-family: $test


sassport([ sassportDynamic ])
		'$test': 'test value'
		file: '/path/to/app.sass'
	}, (err, result) => {
    	console.log('Error:', err, 'Result:', result);


{ Error: Undefined variable: "$test".
    at options.error (/path/node_modules/sassport/node_modules/node-sass/lib/index.js:286:26)
  status: 1,
  file: '/path/to/app.sass',
  line: 3,
  column: 17,
  message: 'Undefined variable: "$test".',
  formatted: 'Error: Undefined variable: "$test".\n        on line 3 of path/to/app.sass\n>> \tfont-family: #{$test}; }\n   ----------------^\n' } Result: null

Do you have a repo I can test this on?