
Other bots work...

Mystik21 opened this issue · 12 comments

Why not fix these bots? i saw alot of people these days have bots...AGARINFINITY,SINGACLAN (300bots)...alot of bots like before the fix. Why not fix ogar feeder bots? :/

AgarInfinity is not working right now, but I like it. Not like before the update, destroying everyone with 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 or 500 bots, but just 35 bots. That's a bit more than raga(30 minions) when it started. It is much funnier to play with such amount of minions :)

its ain't decrypted because everyone gave up

@MasonBurdette will you share your bots??

i have 300 free working bots xD

How the fuck -.- Im sick of these guys who already steal from someone and wont share. :P

I use singa recoded code too but i am gonna use DR.goats bots when they get fixes again

@Nick8fr32 Come one share with me :3 I'll let you fuck my life for 300 bots :'D

U Can just wait Like until tomorrow and then dr.goat is done and we can use that again

I have no idea what's that, link me? :PP (i found lel )

my work

The reason why other bots work is they used to use a "Peer2Peer" system which basically means, Say for example, 300 people are using my script which gives you 2 bots per person, I'm sending one of my bots to the owner of the script which basically means, They are using our bots so If I gave my script to 300 people, I'd be getting 600. Sorry If I didn't explain it as good

I was talking about agarinfinity but thanks for the extra piece of information